Stolen Belongings
If you have a home contents policy, it will often pay out for items stolen from any ‘outbuildings’ you might own. This usually includes garages, sheds and greenhouses, providing that they were locked at the time of the theft.
Many contents policies have a maximum payout for items in your garage, and it’s also often capped per item. This means that if you have any particularly valuable items, such as bikes or sports equipment, it is worth trying to keep them in the house, where they will have more insurance cover. Alternatively, it can pay to take out extra cover for those items individually – something Chill can help you to investigate.

Flood and Fire Damage
Again, this is normally covered by your contents insurance, but unlike theft, there is often no maximum amount that can be claimed. Any damage that occurs to the actual structure of the garage should normally be covered by your buildings policy if you have one. Whatever your situation, we can help you to look through both contents and buildings cover to find something that suits you and covers your garage too, giving you complete peace of mind.

Car Theft
Car theft from the garage can seem like a bit of a confusing issue – is it covered by your car or home policy? Car insurers are usually responsible for paying out in this situation. Your car insurance provider will often want to know how you store your car. Chill can help you to compare car and garage insurance across Ireland to find the best deal for you.

Locking Up
Keeping your garage protected is important whatever level of cover you have, so make sure all your locks are secure and sturdy, and see if you can extend your burglar alarm to your garage. Limit the number of valuables you store in the garage and make sure anything that has to be left in there is locked up.
Getting good cover for your garage comes from a variety of different policies, such as contents and building insurance. Here at Chill, we take the stress out of finding the best home insurance policies and prices for you by comparing insurers from all over Ireland. So give us a go and see how much you could save.