How Chill gets you the best deal on Insurance
We compare 14 insurance providers
Did you know that when you contact the team here at Chill we compare 14 different insurers for you?
As an independent insurance broker we speak to a range of well-known insurance companies; everyone from Aviva to Zurich and many more besides, as well as some insurers that don't deal directly with the public. By speaking to all these insurers we make sure that our customers get the level of cover they really need at the right price.
Not only that, by searching 14 different insurers we take the hassle out of looking for car insurance or home insurance, and save our customers time by comparing insurers for you in one phone call. Just think how long it would take you to contact that many insurers and get a quote? Why waste hours searching when we can do it all for you in just a couple of minutes?
There are many other benefits too! By comparing 14 insurers, we offer our customers a much wider choice of policies and benefits. We know everyone has different requirements, and whilst price is really important, ensuring our customers get the right level of cover is absolutely crucial. In fact, making sure our customers get the policy that is a perfect match for their needs is what keeps us going at Chill!
Although, we don't shout about price, the fact we deal with so many insurers on a daily basis means we get preferential rates and can play hard ball with the insurers when it comes to costs - this enables us to pass on lower premiums to customers.
We know there's lots of other things you'd much rather be doing than searching for insurance, so why not sit back, relax and let us do it for you? Our friendly team can be contacted on 01 400 3400.