Eight Health Benefits Of Running And How They Affect Life Insurance
Improve health and save money
Some people do it to stay fit, others to de-stress and some run because they feel that it is an exercise that suits them with no pressure to perform well. Running is something that we've all done at some stage in our lives, be it for a bus or for the sporting activity we take part in.
You don’t have to be a passionate runner to feel the benefit - even a small amount every day can help improve your health.
And it is not only our bodies that can benefit from some exercise. Did you know that your activity level can be a contributing factor to the life and serious illness premiums you pay or will pay in the future?
We spoke to our life insurance advisors, as well as some of the trainers and coaches of the Cork GAA panels, and asked them what they consider are eight key benefits of running, and why this is a great pastime to take up.
Calorie Burning
Regular exercise, such as running, burns calories (average 250 calories for a 30 minute run) thus helping achieve, or maintain, a healthy weight.
Increase Cardiovascular Health
Serious Illness and death claims are increasing, and one of the major causes for males is the heart. Running benefits your heart by strengthening the muscle around your heart leading to an increased amount of blood your heart can pump.
Lower Your Risk Of Cancer
There are no studies to suggest that running helps cure cancer, but studies conducted show how regular exercise can help in lowering the risks of you contracting certain types of cancers. Running, and exercise in general, can also be used to help improve the quality of life of those who may be currently undertaking chemotherapy treatments.
Reduce Cholesterol
Running is seen as being effective in reducing high, or above normal, blood cholesterol levels, one of the most common reasons for increased life premiums.
Work Out Your Mind
Running can help clear your head and reduce the effects of daily stresses on your mental or physical state. Often, runners hit the pavements for this reason alone. People go for a run to just clear their head and de-stress. Make it your mental health workout!
Practise Self Improvement
Unlike an aerobic class or spinning class, running continually pushes your performance. You cannot aim to finish a workout class 10 minutes early but you can aim to do your 5/10/20 km run in a quicker time than previous.
Good For Your Bones
Running is great for improving and increasing your bone density.
Get The Kids Involved
Running is something you can do with your kids. The rate of obesity in children in Ireland is growing, but children have boundless amounts of energy. Channel this energy by bringing one of the kids on a run with you.
There are numerous benefits to taking up running, or any form of physical activity, all of which can help improve your physical and mental well being as well as potentially lowering the cost of your life insurance cover - allowing you to reap financial as well as physical rewards.
At Chill, we work with you on getting your mortgage protection, life and serious illness cover in place so you and your fit and healthy lifestyle can get off to a flying start. Try our online life insurance quick quote now to find out about the different cover options available.