Car Insurance News & Advice

  • Car In Foggy Conditions

    Drive Safely In Fog

    What To Do In Foggy Conditions

    We explain how to drive safely in foggy and misty conditions.

  • don't-be-afraid-of-switching-your-car-insurance

    Insurance Shouldn't Be Scary

    Don't Get A Fright At Renewal Time

    Your pulse quickens, your heart beats faster and suddenly the blood rushes from your face. The thoughts of searching for a car insurance can be scary. But does it need to be?

  • mta-s-compressor

    Mid-Term Adjustments

    What To Do

    Do you need to make changes to your current insurance policy information? Many insurers refer to this as a mid-term adjustment and this is what you need to know.

  • Cars Entering The Hold Of A Ferry That Have Car And Travel Insurance With Chill Insurance

    Using Car Insurance Overseas

    What you need to be aware of while driving outside Ireland

    Take your car insurance outside Ireland.

  • Car With Motor Cover From Chill Insurance Getting Broken Into

    How To Avoid Carjacking

    Don’t Have Your Car Stolen

    Learn what carjacking is and how to prevent it.