Car Insurance News & Advice

  • What is the Dublin City Centre Transport Plan?

    Changes coming to Dublin traffic

    You may have heard of the Dublin City Centre Transport Plan in the news recently, but what is it all about and how might it affect you?

  • Man driving happy

    When Is The Best Time To Renew Car Insurance?

    Save up to 83% on the price of your car insurance

    Curious about the best time to renew car insurance to save money? We’ve put together this handy article to help you figure it out.

  • A Guide to Insuring Older Cars

    Everything you need to know if your car is 10-20 years old

    As the average age of cars on Ireland’s roads increases, so does insuring older cars. This guide covers everything you need to know about insuring older cars.

  • Older driver steering a car

    A Guide to Car Insurance for Older Drivers

    Everything you need to know as an older driver

    There are a lot of questions surrounding car insurance for older drivers in Ireland, so we’ve put together this guide to cover everything you need to know.

  • car insurance document

    How To Get Cheaper Car Insurance

    Top tips for cheaper car insurance

    We’d all like to pay less for our car insurance premiums, so let’s explore some top tips to help you do just that.

  • Green Card Ireland

    What is a Green Card?

    Everything you Need to Know About Green Cards

    Chill explores what a green card is, who needs one and the effects of Brexit on green cards in Ireland.