Autumn Driving Hazards
Autumn Driving Hazards
We have looked at driving dangers in spring and summer as well as in winter, so now we’re identifying potential autumn driving hazards. Autumn months bring with them noticeable changes in both weather and people's driving habits. These changes in weather, coupled with shorter days, can cause unexpected driving issues even for the most seasoned of road users. To help you prepare for the change in weather we've got 6 things you need to look out for on the roads over the next couple of months.
6 Autumn Driving Hazard
- Low Sun
- Have clean windscreens.
- Keep a pair of sunglasses in the car at all times.
- Give yourself time.
- Make sure your brake lights are in working order at all times.
- Remember if you can’t see the brake lights of the car in front chances are the car’s behind can’t see yours either.
- Finally make sure you take your time at traffic junctions as the colour of the light might be hidden by the glare of the sun at certain times of the day.
- Fallen Leaves
- Black Ice
- Low Tyre Pressure
- Wild Animals
- Driver fatigue
As strange as it may seem, sunshine can cause potential issues at this time of the year. During the morning commute, low sun can cause a dangerous glare in your windscreen, making the road difficult to see. There are a few things to remember at this time of the year to make the sun less of an issue:
Leaves on the ground, coupled with rain, can make for a very slippery surface. Be careful when you’re breaking or taking corners, as your tyres’ grip may become compromised.
Black ice and frost can begin to take hold at this time of the year due to the sudden drops in temperature overnight. Proceed with caution if you need to drive in shaded areas and bridges and pay attention to weather forecasts before heading off on a car journey.
Have you noticed that your tyres can be over-inflated during the summer? Seasonally weather changes can also affect tyre pressure as the temperature outside the tyre affects what happens inside. During autumn and winter they can get under-inflated. Make sure you check your tyre pressure as the colder weather sets in.
With daylight hours getting shorter during autumn and winter you might begin to see an increase in the number of wild animals out around dusk and dawn. In certain parts of the country this can be an issue due to the presence of deer and other woodland creatures. Watch out for signs of the presence of wildlife. The sudden appearance of these animals, coupled with any of the above, could lead to a potential road incident taking place where you may need to call upon your car insurance.
Driver fatigue is an important thing to make note of at all times of the year. Temperatures at this time of the year can lead to the use of heaters in your car which, coupled with long journeys, can lead to potential driver fatigue. Make sure you plan ahead for your trip and to take breaks when necessary.
The weather during autumn can be changeable with glaring sunshine, freezing temperatures and high winds common. Although you can’t prepare for every eventuality, make sure you have an emergency kit in your car in case you encounter an issue on your commute.
There are a number of things you need to remember when it comes to driving in autumn, but perhaps the one thing to focus on is that you "drive slow, drive safe". Make sure you have your car insurance up to date and that you are covered in case you encounter any issues on the road. If you are unsure if you have break down assistance, or if you are covered for different eventualities you should contact your insurer to go through the details of your cover.